Tuesday, 25 November 2014

New Nuclear Missile Submarine Set to Join Russian Navy

K-551 Vladimir Monomakh, Borei class SSBN yang ke 3 akan masuk AL Rusia pada 19 Desember


3rd New Nuclear Missile Submarine Set to Join Russian Navy

Amid a buildup of Moscow's naval power, the Russian navy is set to commission its third brand new Borei-class nuclear missile submarine, the K-551 Vladimir Monomakh, a senior Defense Ministry source was quoted as saying by the TASS news agency on Friday.

The navy's flag will be raised over the boat on Dec. 19, marking its official induction into the fleet four months after completing sea trials, the source said, although the boat will be signed over to the navy on Dec. 10.

The Borei-class submarines are Russia's next-generation “boomers” — large submarines packed with nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that lurk in the safety of the ocean depths, ensuring that Russia will always have a reserve of missiles to fire at its enemies if its land-based strategic nuclear forces are obliterated.

But in this role, the Boreis have struggled to make their mark. Delays in the development of the Bulava-type ICBMs that the new submarines were designed to carry have prevented the vessels from being strategically relevant and useful to the navy.

The missile, which has been in development since 2009, was successfully test fired by the Monomakh in September, but is still several successful launches away from incorporation into Russia's armory.

The Boreis — capable of carrying up to 12 missiles — are post-Soviet Russia's replacement for the aging Typhoon- and Delta IV-class boats, which were an integral part of the Soviet Union's nuclear deterrence force. Russia plans on building at least eight of the new ships.

The navy has also ordered eight next-generation hunter-killer submarines, known as the Yasen class, which hunt enemy submarines and surface ships.

Together, Russia's new submarine fleet aspires to reclaim Russia's role as a major player on the high seas. But this goal will be elusive, as Russia's surface fleet has so far not enjoyed the same level of investment as its submarine fleet.

* Minsera.Blogspot.com * Amid a buildup of Moscow's naval power, the Russian navy is set to commission its third brand new Borei-class nuclear missile submarine, the K-551 Vladimir Monomakh, a senior Defense Ministry source was quoted as saying by the TASS news agency on Friday.

The navy's flag will be raised over the boat on Dec. 19, marking its official induction into the fleet four months after completing sea trials, the source said, although the boat will be signed over to the navy on Dec. 10.

The Borei-class submarines are Russia's next-generation “boomers” — large submarines packed with nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that lurk in the safety of the ocean depths, ensuring that Russia will always have a reserve of missiles to fire at its enemies if its land-based strategic nuclear forces are obliterated.

But in this role, the Boreis have struggled to make their mark. Delays in the development of the Bulava-type ICBMs that the new submarines were designed to carry have prevented the vessels from being strategically relevant and useful to the navy. 

The missile, which has been in development since 2009, was successfully test fired by the Monomakh in September, but is still several successful launches away from incorporation into Russia's armory.

The Boreis — capable of carrying up to 12 missiles — are post-Soviet Russia's replacement for the aging Typhoon- and Delta IV-class boats, which were an integral part of the Soviet Union's nuclear deterrence force. Russia plans on building at least eight of the new ships.

The navy has also ordered eight next-generation hunter-killer submarines, known as the Yasen class, which hunt enemy submarines and surface ships. Together, Russia's new submarine fleet aspires to reclaim Russia's role as a major player on the high seas. But this goal will be elusive, as Russia's surface fleet has so far not enjoyed the same level of investment as its submarine fleet.

Sumber:  http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/3rd-new-nuclear-missile-submarine-set-to-join-russian-navy/511631.html

Australia’s Submarine Program in the Dock

* Minsera.Blogspot.com *  AL Australia gagal mengirimkan kapal selam untuk membayangi satuan AL Rusia. Karena 3 sedang dalam kondisi tidak operasional sesuai jadwal dan 3 lainnya yang aktif berposisi terlalu jauh. Menunjukkan bahwa RAN idealnya mempunyai 12 kapal selam dengan 6 yang aktif disetiap waktu.


A recent incident involving a Russian naval task force that sailed close to Australia’s northern waters highlights issues of force structure, readiness, and basing for the RAN’s submarines. In the end, Australia had to content itself with sending 2 ANZAC Class frigates and an AP-3C Orion aircraft, because there were no submarines that could reach the area in time.

The RAN actually has 3 submarines available, but HMAS Rankin was sailing from Western Australia to Tasmania in the south, and the other 2 active submarines were conducting work-up trials off the coast of Perth in the west. To give readers a geographic idea, sailing from Australia’s western coat to its northeast coast is kind of like sailing from Spain to Estonia. None of Australia’s 3 operational submarines could arrive in time.

This isn’t a failing of the Collins Class. A force of 6 submarines is only going to generate about 3 operational boats, and Australia’s submarine base remains fixed on its inaccessible west coast. Defensively, that’s great. In deployment terms, not so great. Lacking the endurance and constant high-speed capabilities of nuclear-powered boats, Australia needs submarine bases in its north and/or east if it wants to project power forward in a timely way. The 2012 Force Posture Review has recommended this course of action. Sources: The Australian, “Russian ships expose failings of Australian submarine operations”.

Daewoo Shipbuilding says wins order to build 6 patrol vessels for Malaysia

DSME memenangkan kontrak pengadaan 6 kapal patroli untuk TLDM


Daewoo Shipbuilding says wins order to build 6 patrol vessels for Malaysia

SEOUL: Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd says in a statement it won an order to build 6 Corvettes, naval patrol vessels, for the Royal Malaysian Navy.

Three vessels will be delivered from South Korea starting from January 2018 and the rest will be assembled in Malaysia with Daewoo's cooperation. - Reuters

* Minsera.Blogspot.com *  SEOUL: Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd says in a statement it won an order to build 6 Corvettes, naval patrol vessels, for the Royal Malaysian Navy.

Three vessels will be delivered from South Korea starting from January 2018 and the rest will be assembled in Malaysia with Daewoo's cooperation. - Reuters

Sumber: http://www.asiandefencenews.com/2014/04/dsme-unveils-its-missile-surface.html

30 Menit Bersama Tank Leopard 2A4

* Minsera.Blogspot.com *  RABU (19/11) petang di Markas Komando Batalyon Kavaleri 8/2 Narasinga Wiratama di Kelurahan Beji, Kecamatan Beji, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Beberapa tentara batalyon di bawah Komando Cadangan Strategis TNI Angkatan Darat itu menyalakan mesin tank Leopard, salah satu tank andalan TNI. Mesin 20 tank Leopard yang berderet di garasi Markas Komando Batalyon Kavaleri (Yonkav) 8/2 itu lalu menderu bersama. Dua tank digerakkan keluar garasi. ”Jarang ada kesempatan tank Leopard keluar garasi. Jadi, ini peristiwa langka,” kata Komandan Yonkav 8/2 Narasinga Wiratama Mayor (Kav) Valian Wicaksono Mahdi. 

Sosok dua tank berwarna variasi hitam-hijau-coklat itu sontak mendominasi pelataran di muka garasi. Setelah beberapa menit mesin dipanaskan, tank Leopard berjalan mengitari markas, keluar dari kawasan garasi. Jalannya tank Leopard sore itu terlihat berat, namun mantap. Maklum, berat kosong tank buatan Jerman tersebut mencapai 52 ton dengan kapasitas mesin 47.600 cc. Namun, ternyata kecepatan maksimal tank Leopard, seperti dikatakan Valian, bisa mencapai 68 kilometer per jam. Adapun saat mundur, tank bisa melaju hingga 31 kilometer per jam. 

Jadi, Leopard yang berjalan pelan Rabu sore itu lebih karena tank ketika itu hanya untuk parade di tengah press tour wartawan Kementerian Pertahanan. Perjalanan singkat tank Leopard, primadona baru persenjataan TNI, yang hanya sekitar 30 menit disambut hangat warga markas Yonkav. Beberapa anak yang baru saja selesai mengaji sore itu di masjid Yonkav berteriak-teriak gembira sembari melambaikan tangan. Anak-anak itu bahkan berlari mengikuti tank yang belum pernah dilihatnya. Sebagian anak yang naik sepeda juga mengayuh sepedanya mengiringi tank hingga kembali lagi masuk garasi. 

Dongkrak kualitas Valian mengatakan, pembelian tank Leopard yang nantinya sebanyak 41 unit mendongkrak standar persenjataan Republik Indonesia. ”Awalnya Indonesia hanya punya tank Scorpion yang tergolong tank ringan. Itu tank terbaik kita waktu itu. Setelah ada tank Leopard, artinya kita sudah punya tank berat atau heavy tank,” ujarnya. Sebagai perbandingan, tank Scorpion hanya bisa menembak musuh dalam jarak 2 kilometer. Akibatnya, bisa jadi sebelum mendekati musuh dalam rentang jarak tersebut, Scorpion sudah bisa ditaklukkan tank musuh yang lebih canggih. Sementara tank Leopard bisa menembak musuh dalam jarak 4 kilometer. ”Gerakan tank Leopard juga ditunjang stabilizer sehingga bisa menembak sembari berjalan. Selain itu, kualitas pelindung lapis baja dan aplikasi pelindung lain juga lebih baik daripada jenis tank lain,” tambah Valian. 

Lebih ringan Yang juga menarik, tekanan jejak tank Leopard jika melintas di jalan raya lebih ringan ketimbang truk tronton. Dari penelitian tim Institut Teknologi Bandung, yang dikutip Valian, berat Leopard di jalan raya berkisar 8.908,0 newton per meter persegi. Adapun berat truk tronton di jalan raya mencapai lima kali lipatnya, yakni 44.285,71 newton per meter persegi. Lebih ringannya tank Leopard di jalan raya dipengaruhi tekanan jejak yang merata karena model roda tank yang berlapis karet. Sementara truk tronton lebih berat karena terfokus di beberapa titik, dalam hal ini titik-titik ban truk berada.

Kepala Bidang Pemberitaan Kementerian Pertahanan Kolonel (Kal) Anton Santosa menambahkan, ”Ketika Indonesia hanya punya tank ringan seperti Scorpion, kita tidak diperhitungkan, bahkan di ASEAN.” Maklum, ketika itu, negara-negara ASEAN lain sudah punya tank berat. Malaysia, misalnya, sudah punya tank PT-91 produk Polandia. Sementara Vietnam dan Myanmar memiliki armada tank berat buatan Rusia. ”Waktu itu, sebelum kita punya Leopard, Indonesia hanya sejajar dengan Timor Leste dan Filipina,” kata Anton.(ADI PRINANTYO)

Qatar ready to buy 24 Rafale

* Minsera.Blogspot.com * The Qataris are in exclusive and very advanced talks to be the first buyers of the French military aircraft. A contract of Euros 2.5 billions. France and Qatar are indeed in very advanced talks to buy at least 24 planes , at the list price of Euros 2.5 billion. According to our information, France is negotiating in direct way with the Qatari. Clearly, there are no other candidates vying to sell them airplanes.

As long as it is not announced, one can not yet claim victory, one still says in the French camp. Everyone is a little scared after countless failures for Rafale sale abroad.

In addition, what has changed since the recent failures is a change in methodology. France does not try to twist the arm customers to sign as soon as possible. Patience is now the key factor. Jean-Yves Le Drian, the defense minister, went eight times in Qatar, and sometimes stayed there two or three days , even if it was not planned . And the customer appreciates.